When considering a vision correction procedure, financial considerations should not be an obstacle in obtaining the eye care you deserve. Our goal is to make refractive surgery affordable for any budget.
Dr. Neale’s all-inclusive LASIK fee covers:
- Initial consultation and examination
- A state-of-the-art customized Bladeless iLASIK procedure
- Post-operative care
- Enhancement (“touch-up” or “refinement”) for 1 year
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Connect with us on Facebook. Our facebook fans are the first ones to hear about promotions, discounts, and contests. Our contest winners have been known to score deep discounts on state of the art iLASIK technology. “Like” us to find out more.
Pre-Tax Dollars Make Vision Correction More Affordable
If you plan ahead by signing up for your company’s flexible benefit plan (sometimes called a “FLEX” or “cafeteria” plan), you can use the exceptional buying power of pre-tax dollars to pay for LASIK, cataract surgery, or other vision correction procedures! Some of our patients save 30% or more! Click arrow for more information.
It’s NOT too good to be true, but there is a catch…you have to sign up before the end of the year. Ask your company’s human resources department for details, then call us at 541-687-1715 to schedule a consultation. Planning ahead can get you a great deal on your vision procedure so you can see a great deal better in 2011.
If you already participate in your employer’s plan…
Have you made plans to use all the funds you allocated in this year’s flexible (FLEX) spending account? There’s still time to pay for LASIK, cataract surgery, or other vision correction procedures with those pre-tax dollars. And remember…it’s not too early to plan for next year!
Convenient, flexible FINANCING makes vision correction even more affordable with CareCredit
With CareCredit you can pay for your LASIK in 24 monthly payments. For qualified candidates, there is no down payment and 0% interest. Receive instant approval when you come for your consultation.